Inside UDG
Achieve more, together

More about “The new UDG – United Digital Group” from CEO Jessica Peppel-Schulz
The UDG United Digital Group has undergone significant changes since 25 February 2014. Nine separate agencies have joined together to form one large one. UDG CEO Jessica Peppel-Schulz provides an overview of the background and motives behind the new UDG and, more importantly, the opportunities awaiting it.
Jessica, UDG has definitely made the sector sit up and take notice!
And that’s how it should be. We’re not talking about a revolution, but we have basically reinvented UDG. Because customers want a one-stop shop for all their needs. Each of our departments has been successful and distinguished for excellence in its areas of expertise. Big players demand excellence in every digital discipline, together with a comprehensive approach that a large agency can offer. And it is exactly this combination that we provide.
Is everything concentrated in Hamburg where the UDG headquarters are?
Definitely not. We know how important it is to be close to our customers. We are keeping all of our offices, but each office will now offer the complete spectrum of services.
Is it worth the effort?
First and foremost we are calculating in terms of opportunities and possibilities. And with good reason. The digitalisation of our society is far from over. Now more than ever, companies of all shapes and size need comprehensive solutions for digital brand management. Such projects are characterised by complex performance requirements, which we can fulfil to the highest level with our new structure. This distinguishes UDG. Because more than 650 specialists at UDG can now really work together. And we can clearly achieve more together than we could before. The possibilities are endless; even the most complex projects can now be implemented without difficulty.
Is the focus now on larger customers?
One thing has not changed: the focus is still on the customers. Absolutely. Individual solutions are and remain our company’s USP. This applies to all customers, regardless of their size. It is supported by our regional structure. And it requires our whole team – which will grow even more in the near future. Like the whole agency. We aim to become the leading full-service internet agency in Germany, and this goal will only be reached with a strong team. In this respect: together we achieve more.