PIA UDG as AI Consulting

We Design Your AI Roadmap for a Perfect Customer Experience

Nothing has influenced the internet as massively as Artificial Intelligence (AI). With its rapid development, the digital world is becoming more complex—and so is the world of our customers. However, the targeted integration of AI can also make many things easier, faster, and more efficient. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on what will truly drive business success. Regardless of all trends and dynamic developments in the AI environment, this will always be the perfect Customer Experience. That’s why our mantra for AI is: Customer First – Business Impact. It is essential to strategically plan the use of AI, identify AI use cases, and develop an AI strategy tailored to your company.

It is important to strategically plan the use of artificial intelligence, identify AI application scenarios that are relevant, and develop an AI strategy for your own company based on their potential.

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AI Business Consulting with PIA UDG: Your Benefits

01. Cost Savings
More efficient production optimizes resource use and reduces costs.

02. Speed TTM (Time to Market)
Simple or repetitive tasks are eliminated, making processes faster and more efficient.

03. Accessibility
Reach new markets through multilingual capabilities and expand your service offerings.

04. Knowledge Building
AI technologies accelerate research and analysis for various applications.

05. Analytical Capability
Complex comparisons and analyses are possible without specialized knowledge.

06. Faster ROI (Return on Investment)
Optimize your returns through data-driven and automated improvements across all business areas.

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The use of AI in marketing and sales is becoming the new normal. Therefore, now is the right time to engage with the topic and gain experience. AI can significantly accelerate transformation and thus create a decisive competitive advantage for all companies. The key lies in identifying AI use cases, developing sustainable strategies for implementation, and quickly moving to action.

Our AI Readiness Audit

AI initiatives need a strong foundation of content, data, tools, and processes to be effective and sustainable. In an established check format, we assess your company's AI readiness in Marketing, Service, and Sales in a 90-minute free audit. We focus on everything related to Customer Experience: Marketing, Service, and Sales. Based on the audit, we develop actionable recommendations so that we can start working together immediately.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a significant accelerator for achieving business goals or even open up completely new opportunities. However, it is often challenging to choose the right path from the myriad of possibilities and turn it into concrete actions. Our AI Discovery method guides companies through the decision-making process using a proven approach and ensures a solid start for AI implementation in the company.

Results of AI Discovery

01 Use Cases
Business-impact relevant use cases are prepared.

02 KPIs
KPIs are defined.

03 Project Approach 
A project model and a high-level roadmap are provided.

04 Effort Estimates
Effort estimates are provided per use case for prototype or implementation.

05 Management Briefing
Results are prepared in the form of a management presentation.

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How You Benefit from Our AI Consulting

AI generates Focus

AI frees companies from repetitive and time-consuming tasks, allowing employees and leaders to focus more on their core responsibilities. We help you implement the right AI systems and solutions.

AI generates Progress

Deploy your resources where they contribute to business success. AI enables faster and more flexible implementation of your projects with measurable added value. Our AI solutions are precisely tailored to your challenges.

AI generates Business Impact

AI enhances business impact by optimizing data-driven decisions, automating processes, and accelerating innovation. By analyzing large data sets in real-time, AI can identify patterns, make predictions, and create personalized customer experiences.