The UDG CX Score: Making Customer Experience Measurable

UDG CX Score Part 3 | Making Customer Experience Measurable
Explore, evaluate, consider, and decide: What customers buy and from whom is determined by the Customer Experience (CX). How can CX be measured? Can it be measured at all? Yes – the CX Score by PIA UDG makes it possible.
A brand that offers a good experience has an advantage: In the first article of our CX series, we focused on the necessity of creating a new scoring model to remain successful. In the second article, we provided an overview of metrics for measurement, examined their effectiveness, and identified areas for improvement.
Now we come to the core, the UDG CX Score: How can we accurately measure how good your brand’s customer experience is and how it can be improved?
How the UDG CX Score Works
The UDG CX Score makes your brand experience and customer satisfaction measurable along the entire customer journey. On a scale from 1 to 5 stars, we evaluate various parameters that differ depending on the industry and target group. Four phases are analysed and evaluated in detail:
The result: A measurable customer experience.

What sounds very complicated is made easy for your brand. We take care of the magic formula that makes CX measurable in real time on a scale. With a newly developed CX metric, PIA UDG determines various data points. These are combined into a CX Score. Here’s how it works:
1. Data Collection
We determine all measurable digital touchpoints along the customer journey. Classic methods such as user surveys and Google Analytics are used. Innovative methods for measuring digital interactions round off the results.
2. Optimisation and Evaluation
In the second step, the entire customer experience is optimised based on this data foundation. The result is a valid and up-to-date data foundation that is converted into a CX value: the CX Score. From this CX scoring, we work with you to determine how successful the current strategies are and how they can be improved.
Benefits of the CX Score for Marketing Managers
A significant competitive advantage for companies in the future will be understanding and influencing user decisions. (See “Why We Need a Customer Experience (CX) Score”)
The UDG CX Score provides valuable and quick “real-time” insights. What is the advantage of such an individual, company-specific CX Score that represents user decisions and intentions across media and channels in a single number? With simple daily scoring without lengthy and delayed individual evaluations, you always have a view of how your customers’ journey is developing and can react immediately. This brings the following advantages:
You can make better decisions about budget allocation and invest more effectively based on concrete numbers.
Business Impact
The business impacts of marketing activities can be better analysed and evaluated in real-time.
Marketing Performance
Numbers and facts show you at a glance which marketing activities are working well and which are not.
Use Case from the Hospitality Industry – An Example
At the right time in the right place with personalised offers: Customers in the hospitality industry want their personal needs to be recognised. Especially older target groups have the experience of being personally and precisely advised in travel agencies.
Despite the perfect customer experience in travel agencies, it is measurable that the number of online bookings is continuously increasing. In 2019, for the first time, there were more online bookings than personal consultations according to statistics. 57% of online bookers are over 50 years old. At the same time, media usage of the “Best Agers” over 50 years is becoming increasingly digital. Does a hotel meet the expectations of Best Agers and digital developments at digital touchpoints?
“With a personalised experience and communication strategy, it is possible to motivate older target groups to make online or direct bookings.”
To test the potential with Best Agers and discuss concrete numbers, the UDG CX Score comes into play:
We analyse and evaluate all measurable data of the digital touchpoints along the booking process. We combine data and tools to create a comprehensive picture.
On this data foundation, we create a scale and determine how successful the communication strategy for Best Agers is at the digital touchpoints. Weaknesses and strengths are backed up with numbers.
Together, we develop a customer experience that will delight Best Agers even more personally and precisely. Just as they are used to from the travel agency.
The result: More conversions, better customer satisfaction, and loyalty for your brand in the target group “Best Agers”.