User Experience
Influencer marketing for HUAWEI

One of the tools that the smartphone manufacturer HUAWEI uses for communications for its flagship P10 smartphone in Germany is influencer marketing. In order to focus on the camera function of the P10, HUAWEI has created a very special platform in the shape of the Photocademies, where influencers receive tips and learn tricks for finding the right motif and staging images, and find out about the photography of star photographers – all of this using the HUAWEI P10. They can apply this knowledge to their photos in the future, thereby improving the performance of their posts and social channels. The HUAWEI Photocademies are unique in the industry. UDG United Digital Group, leading digital agency for HUAWEI in Germany, conceptualized the campaign together with HUAWEI Germany and has been responsible for its implementation, which it has realized together with partner agencies.
"Influencer marketing is the key to our HUAWEI ShowWhatYouLove campaign,” Vanessa Klein, Senior Marketing Manager at HUAWEI Germany, explains. “Besides increasing brand awareness, we also want to show the diverse ways that you can use our HUAWEI P10 by showing practical examples. As part of the campaign, we have been providing a unique experience in the form of our workshops, the HUAWEI Photocademies, where, under the instruction of a star photographer, our influencers learn about the camera quality of the HUAWEI P10, exchange information with us and share their experiences with their community – a platform for everybody who is or wants to be creative.”
The campaign and the Photocademies cover four topics: creativity, fashion, food and travel. The event had already been advertised in advance using teaser videos on the homepage of the ShowWhatYouLove campaign. The food workshop took place in Frankfurt. The main influencer was the actor Janina Uhse and the photographic mentor was Oliver Brachat. Other food bloggers were invited as influencers or had received a wildcard to participate by taking part in a contest beforehand, where more than 8,000 posts were submitted under the hashtag #ShowWhatYouLove on Instagram.
On the evening before the Food Photocademy took place, the influencers were invited to a welcoming dinner where the HUAWEI P10 and its functions were briefly explained. During the full-day workshop, the influencers tackled photographic challenges in alternating teams of two, such as playing with light and capturing movement, by exchanging information each other under the instruction of the star photographer Oliver Brachat. Food stylist Markus Schubbert was there to help them. The results were presented at the end of the Photocademy. And, of course, there were delicious things to eat as well. The location for the event was the restaurant Laube Liebe Hoffnung.