LVR-Web-Relaunch: PIA UDG Wins the Pitch

Author: Ulrike Schäfer | Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024
Category: Press

Successful Pitch at the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR)

Partnership Paves the Way for a Cutting-Edge, Accessible Web Solution

In a comprehensive tendering process from June to October 2023, PIA UDG successfully prevailed against a variety of notable competitors, securing the contract for the complete redesign of the web presences of the LVR (Regional Landscape Association of the Rhineland).

PIA UDG stood out with their innovative conceptual and technical approach, along with their proven expertise in accessibility. In 2024, the initial project steps will commence, laying down the critical foundations for an entirely revamped web landscape:

These steps include implementing more efficient and simplified content management for the institutions; ensuring accessible access and encouraging social participation of all people in the Rhineland through the digital offerings of the association. As a committed partner to the people of the Rhineland, the LVR thus creates tangible added value for its citizens. 

About the LVR

The Landschaftsverband Rheinland operates as a municipal association with around 22,000 employees for the 9.8 million people in the Rhineland. With its 41 schools, ten clinics, 20 museums and cultural institutions, four youth welfare institutions, the State Youth Office, and the Association for Educational Assistance, it performs tasks that are perceived throughout the Rhineland.

The association is Germany’s largest service provider for people with disabilities and is committed to inclusion in all areas of life. “Quality for People” is its guiding principle.

Challenges in the Project

The challenge of the LVR project lies in the modernisation of an outdated web landscape currently comprising over 120 different websites across four areas of competence: Education & Upbringing, Culture, Living & Working, and Health, plus the general LVR area, consisting of cross-sectional departments and administration.

Winning this pitch against such strong competitors confirms the quality of our work and our approach to always think one step ahead. We look forward to collaborating with the LVR to create a truly accessible and forward-thinking new web world.

Project Goals and Scope

The project starts in 2024 and focuses on a barrier-free, technical, and design overhaul of the LVR websites. It includes developing a modular web construction kit and four prototype website MVPs in the first year. Further collaboration and a rollout of additional LVR websites from 2025 will be decided in the course of the project.

The aim is to create a uniform, contemporary, and fully accessible online presence that meets the diverse needs of the target groups. A special focus is on the accessible accessibility of content – this includes content in simple language and in German Sign Language.

Expected Benefits

The redesign is expected to significantly improve the web experience for the LVR and its users, more efficient content management, and stronger, higher quality communication. The initiative promises to enhance digital accessibility and create synergies within the LVR web world, benefiting both end-users and internal teams.

Range of Services

PIA UDG offers a broad spectrum of services for this complex project, including user experience analysis & design, usability testing, and prototyping, complemented by strategic technology evaluation, IT architecture, security, and automated tests. The technical implementation and development are carried out in-house (on-premise) based on the CMS First Spirit (Crownpeak).

PIA UDG brings the technical know-how from over 250 Crownpeak projects to the challenging task. Agile methods and efficient project management form the foundation for successful project execution.