Front-end Development | My Preference for 2024

Astro: My Go-To Framework For Almost Any Project In 2024

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Author: Florian Drews | Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2024
Category: Technology

Astro: My Go-To Framework For Almost Any Project In 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, choosing the right framework can be a daunting task. With a lot of options available, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. However, one framework has caught my attention in the first quarter of 2023 and has quickly become my go-to choice for (almost) all my projects in 2024: Astro.

Astro, as described on its official website, is a front-end framework for building content-driven websites like blogs, marketing, and e-commerce. But what sets Astro apart from the crowd? Let's delve into the reasons why Astro is the framework for me.

A Smart Solution for Content Driven Sites

Astro is a game-changer in the world of content driven sites, which were not well served before. While heavy-hitters like Next, Nuxt or Remix are tailored for web apps, Astro realized that using these powerhouses for content sites is like using a a sledgehammer to crack a nut. It's simply overkill.

For sites with mostly static content, using Next or Remix doesn't make sense because they have a lot of dynamic elements that aren't needed. Astro saw that many websites are mostly static but need a little bit of dynamic content, like a newsletter sign-up or a reaction bar on a blog article.

Older static site generators like Gatsby, Hugo, or Jekyll are powerful as well, but they can't handle dynamic content well. Astro solved this problem by letting you add dynamic elements when you need them. You can build with the likes of React, Vue, Svelte or Web Components and cherry-pick which components should run on the client side. What a great move.

The Hybrid Approach

Astro also offers the option to server-side render the whole site, making it fully dynamic. This means you can build just about anything you would with Next.js or Remix in Astro, but with the added benefit of being able to bring in your favorite framework / library, be it React, Svelte, Vue, or even web components.

But Astro didn't stop there. They took it a step further by allowing you to opt-in a page to be dynamic. This means you don't have to server-side render your entire project or even an entire sub-path. You can choose one page to be dynamic and server-side render that. This is Astro's hybrid mode, an interesting way to think about how we build websites.

Growth When Needed vs. Future Fit

Astro supports the idea of growth when necessary. By default, you ship nothing but HTML and CSS. Astro does not ship any javascript to the client. If you need a dynamic newsletter interaction, you simply activate the client-side JS for that component (Astro Islands).

If you need an entire page to be dynamic, you opt-in for server-side rendering for this specific page. Or you want to build a full dynamic Project like a Dashboard, it's up to you to enable server side rendering for the whole project. This approach ensures you're not weighed down with extra page load for potential needs that may arise in the future.

This is in stark contrast to the "future fit" approach of many other frameworks, which provide a lot of power upfront that you may not need, but it's there just in case. While this might seem like a safety net for future growth, it often results in unnecessary complexity and bloat.

Astro's approach allows you to grow into complexity as and when you need it, rather than trying to fit into a future that may or may not come. From my perspective this makes Astro a more efficient and practical choice for many web development projects.


To sum up, Astro is a robust and adaptable framework that addresses numerous challenges in today's web development landscape. Its focus on performance, flexibility, and simplicity makes it an excellent choice for almost any project. Whether you're building a simple blog or a complex web application even a combination of both without needing a micro frontend architecture, Astro is a framework worth considering. Give it a try, and you might find it becomes your framework of choice too in 2024.

Until then, keep coding, be open minded and stay sharp!